Thursday, June 18, 2009

Evil Genius
What's worse then an evil genius who was caught? Answer: One who has not been caught. Just this afternoon, I was walking around PS when this lady approached me to sell me something. I thought it was charity to help ex-convicts fund their education or something. Turns out, when I took the pens from her, it was actually from some be a millionaire organization and the words "This is not a charitable organization." jumps out from the brochure of sorts. Immediately, I began to have a million thoughts running through my head. Some about money, some about the organization. To sum it up, I felt uncomfortable.

Then, afterwards, I started to think about everything when I finished my mission to obtain the yellow cloth. Why did I feel uncomfortable? Do I want to help ex-convicts? Yes I do. Then I reasoned that the non-charitable part of it must have been the main factor of unease. There was recollection of things that had been said to me in the past regarding such, incidents.

But what's wrong with it? There was once when a lady tried to sell us something. She was quite critically questioned by my companion that day. And it all sounded reasonable, the logic and all. She could be working somewhere with a proper job instead of selling such things.

It's like selling tissue paper, if you think about it. Those poor old men and women walking around selling tissue paper. If there was a choice; IF they were rich would they have to do that? Maybe they could get a job. But MAYBE they might never get one. And this goes for exconvicts as well. For all the yellow ribbon movement, the crux still falls on employers whether they want to hire them.

The record. That blackmark on your name follows you forever. Like they say, it is a second prison. Why? Why have such a record if it increases the likelihood of rejection, are bias against the exconvicts themselves. Everyone makes mistakes; how severely punished you are is another thing in itself. If exconvicts could, say, be talented enough to hold a high paying job or even pursue a college degree but all is thwarted by this blackmark, is it fair? If the worry is that one is educating a potential criminal, what about an evil genius who was never ever close to being caught. Isn't that even more scary?

And all the sociological stuff that I studied about class, deviance etc came to mind as well. Let's hope they do get another chance.

2:55 AM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beautiful Football
No I am not going to start supporting Barcelona but it has been a long time since I have seen any team play like that, in a champions league final no less. I remembered the 1998/99 Bayern Munich outplaying Man U like that and that was what Barca did yesterday. Man U was left chasing air for most of the game and the way Barca strokes the ball around is just plain beauty; it was like a training session.

I had this fear before Barca scored the second goal to seal the match. It seemed like deja vu; like Man U was going to score 2 in injury time again and beat the better team. It was so sad that the classy Bayern lost that night when they were taunting, swaggering and laughing for 90mins before losing to 2 last grasp goals. And history looked like it was going to happen again. Fortunately, it did not and the better team won.

Which also had me realising nobody can have their way forever. I had an ominous feeling Man U was going to win, again. So ominous I decided to bet on a full time draw and I was glad I wasted my 10 dollars. My friend used to say this while playing Risk, "The dice rolls will even themselves out after awhile." And I think last night, the dice was evened out.

5:00 AM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1-0 full time. I couldn't believe the ref has blew the whistle. I couldn't believe it was all going to end this way. I made a wish and it was supposed to come true! Surprise surprise it didn't. Then it dawned upon me, like Christmas did several years ago, that birthdays were just another day. The actual birthday would have been quite a significant day because it brought me to Earth but the subsequent ones were just probably a good, I don't know, dream? Hope? Prior to that, I was telling my mum my 21st birthday would probably be the last birthday I am celebrating but I guess cutting a cake and making a wish for my team was counted as well so I did celebrate a 22nd in the end....

Yes I am sad. After like what seemed an eternity staring at the screen, I could feel tears building up in my eyes. It is probably the first time I had ever felt sad watching a football game. My friend says I am a fair weathered fan when I abandoned Arseanl. Maybe but at this current moment, I happen to feel more for Newcastle that they have been relegated. And if anyone must label me, I should be called adverse-weather fan jumping from the most exciting team in the Premiership to the one of the worst teams in it. I am not feeling sore and I am not ranting but I just felt like writing about this whole episode.

Anyway, gonna be catching Barca vs Man Utd later tonight. Hopefully it'd be a great match with lotsa drama. Penalty-shootout would be cool ahha.

3:32 AM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

They poked at the helplessly dead and helplessly black soy bean fish that was served on a modest plate made of porcelain. And still they attacked it relentlessly, mouthfuls at a time. When they weren't eating, they chatted and in all-too-routinely a manner and this adds on to their carelessness as they went on to attack the cabbage on yet another porcelain plate. And they ate, with the very routine, everyday porridge that they would have at the table everyday. And even more carelessly, they went for refills after refills as if the porridge never depletes like it usually does for when it usually does what it usually did on very routine days, such as this very day, a very unfortunate and wasteful and also very healthy portion of porridge would be served straight to the bin. Yet today, a meeting of several factors somehow factored in the possibility of the pot being dysfunctional; it had not served enough.

And this was much to the displeasure of the young one, who just awoken from deep slumber at this very moment, to be at this very moment very unfortunately informed that the pot was dysfunctional. Without a word, he strolled downstairs calmly, either out of lethargy of getting out of bed or it could be a ominous sign of the calm before the storm. He stared at the shiny, glorified looking pot. Taking of its lid, still very calmly, he stared once more into the pot. He thought briefly for a second, did an abstract mental estimation and concluded with near precision; the pot was dysfunctional. There was barely enough for the growing boy.

Angrily, he stomped upstairs perhaps to hide his disappointment of not having enough to eat. He decided to save his dignity to not eat at all for he was a proud character. He must have been disappointed, not by the having not enough to eat, but by the simple fact that he barely had enough to eat which made him really disappointed. Was he "left out"? That question could not be answered without certainty without a thorough interrogation which the young one would hostilely propel with a thunderous voice and an endless string of profanities that might well include an equally countless number of languages. Afterall, the first foreign words learned by most people are often profanities, it was not uncommon to speak in such a manner.

The cousin decided to take flight from this awkward situation and escaped out the front door of his own house. In fact, he wanted to escape so much he planned to have went out that front door before he even thought about walking out that door.

"See you there.", as he ended he online conversation, which preceded his thought to take flight from the situation. It made sense since computers move so fast now. One should definitely think faster than act, and act before the thought even materializes.

And in the torturous sun and the eternal 2min walk out to the bus stop, wholesale of images ran through his head. His brother was disappointed at negligence. His grandmother worried about a starving grandson and guilty of her own error in cooking just enough so much so she wanted to cook another plate of fried rice just for him. The brother seeing his whole bloody greedy and guilty glutton face in the mirror when he could have left enough in the fallible pot to advert this whole adversary. It pains his heart that nothing went wrong for it was all normal for the pot to not be infallible yet two of his loved ones are possibly feeling quite down over this. The young one actually loves porridge and the grandmother never more happy that everyone is full, happy and satisfied. Damn the pot.

11:15 PM

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Okay I found the video
Alright, that's the link to the video I was talking about. Apparently I was severely inaccurate so you could probably view the whole video to actually see the whole argument.

6:07 AM

This is harder than I thought
Okay, gg. Exams are finally over so I am officially resuming my duties as a blogwriter. I remembered talking bout writing a story but I realised it is like how difficult. Apparently, absence in constructing stories since secondary school has taken its toil. I officially struggled to even build up the environment in my story. Time for some reading up first. Of course I shall still try to update it with whatever cool stuff I can find. Since I have nothing better to do, let's get started on the first cool stuff I heard today. It's about a student and a philosophy prof arguing about religion.

"Do you believe in God?" the Prof started the thoughts running and briefly resumes with another question. "Look around. Is there evil in the world?"

One student replied, "Yes Sir, I believe in God."

After a long argument to prove his point, the Prof rekindled his interest in his initial question. "Do you still believe in God?"

And he answered, "Yes I still do, because I have faith." (I shall skip the prof's part to shorten the story.)

"Is there light and dark in this world? No there isn't. Darkness is the absence of light. Is there hot and cold? No again for cold is the absence of heat. So is there good and bad? Perhaps not for evil could well be the absence of goodness. And I have faith even though I haven seen God just like scientists have faith in Science. You believed in evolution but have you seen man evolve? No, yet you believe staunchly so don't you reflect the same faith in own belief? And believing in God is not whether I can see God but because believing in God with faith allows me to see everything else."

And the prof was stumped.

PS: hopefully I can find the video instead of my inaccurate account.

4:44 AM

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tired of studying? Over and over we will hear it. In secondary school(thankfully I spent most of my time playing soccer) we heard of it. My cousin who's in secondary school now sighs once in a while and tells me,"studying sian..." Then in JC, who can forget the 10 thousand year series that we practiced, not forgetting the unlimited number of exam papers from other school. And now, dang dang dang, enter univeristy.....

It is a really big compound with significant amount of greenery and numerous concerte buildings. By definition, it is an institution of the highest learning level. With such a spacious architecture; with so much room to move around, to study and the many facilities to unwind after a hard day's work, all seems nice and well. But the nice exterior is a mere facade of the happenings within.

The tall unforgiving concrete is built to hide what it actually looks like inside. You see smiles all around, but how many people are forcing that smile and how many are crumbling under pressure. Inside the exterior, it is a boiling cauldron of hot molten. Everyday you feel the heat; not a comforting form of warmth but burning heat that makes you panic and sweat everyday. Everyday we consolidate what we learn, think about what we have not and do what we think we understand and what the lecturers expect us to know. Assignments are meant for learning; yet sadly, most of the time it is a mere product churned out fast enough to meet the assembly line deadline of this whole manufacture of students' work. Could you see such a side when all you see is the exterior facade that was the prominent feature during the openhouse? It is a cauldron, boiling and melting us down.

I have learnt more from discussions with my friends and professors then actually churning out those assignments. While I used to try to learn something from it, it had become more of a hindrance then a help. Tutorials are fine; in fact they are awesome. Yet the assignments.... And do let me rant somemore. Why should we be diversified? I have been diversified from primary school. It is time to specialise. You teach less, you learn more. So often, the beauty of everything we are learning is lost in the haste of finishing all the work and reading for modules you probably would not read again.

A czech guy told my friend when he went to Europe," Education, it is so overrated." Partly right, educating for the sake of doing it is overrated. However, the beauty of knowledge, feeling it and fully understanding can never be emphasised enough. Do away with the assembly line productions of essays, assignments and what's not. Like an essay, we need a focus. Cut away the excess, backspace it and show the brilliance of the little bit that you have. The most important thing is to learn, not to melt the students in this cauldron.

PS: This post is dedicated to CJ

7:32 AM

Eric Sim aka Kukuthebird
Misprinted-Type and Hybrid Genesis